[ZDR 038-S] Insanity of Slaughter - 1998-2000 (Limited Edition) / A5 Hardcase CD

[ZDR 038-S] Insanity of Slaughter - 1998-2000 (Limited Edition) / A5 Hardcase CD
日本は名古屋のブラック・メタル・バンド、Insanity of Slaughterの16年コンピレーション・アルバム。
Insanity of Slaughterの過去デモの歴史をつづった貴重なライナーノーツA5ブック付デモ音源集A5サイズボックスCD!!限定100枚!!!

Demo #1
1. Corruption of the Zenith
2. To Survive
3. Justice was Slaughtered
4. Sudden Death
5. Evil Dead (Death Cover)

Demo #2
6. Under the Control of God
7. The Beauty of Darkness
8. Justice was Slaughtered

Demo #3
9. A Black Mist of Hatred
10. Necromancer
11. Embracement of Eternal Dark
12. Under the Control of God
13. The Beauty of Darkness
14. Black Despair

Demo #4
1. A Black Mist of Hatred
2. Embracement of Eternal Dark

Demo #5
3. Be at a loss
4. Spoiled by Sickness
5. A Black Mist of Hatred
6. An Introductory Chapter
7. Despair

Rehearsal 2000
8. Be at a loss
9. Spoiled by Sickness
10. A Black Mist of Hatred
11. Despair

Split 1999 Live in Tokyo
12. Embracement of Eternal Dark
13. The Beauty of Darkness
14. Black Magic (Slayer Cover)
15. Black Despair


