[ZDR 111] Yvonxhe - Inferiority Faith of Fabrication / CD
[ZDR 109] ZXUI MOSKVHA - Desecration Paradigm / CD
[ZDR 110] モノノフ - 上月残照 / CD
[ZDR 108] Charlotte The Harlot / Androalphus - Ab principio ad profunditatem / CD
[ZDR 107] Gusoh - 花 / CD
[ZDR 106] Daarlig Stemning - The Evil Within / CD
[ZDR 105] Daarlig Stemning - Hate Speech Live / CD
[ZDR 104] Crifotoure Satanarda - Crifotoure Satanarda / CD
[ZDR 103] 正殿 - 琉球霊戦侵攻 / CD
[ZDR 102] Departure Chandelier - Satan Soldier Of Fortune / CD
[ZDR 101] Departure Chandelier - Antichrist Rise To Power / CD
[ZDR 100 / BR 016] Sortsind - Tomhed / CD
[ZDR 099] Dark Fog Eruption - 忘却と絢爛の幻想 / CD
[ZDR 098] Dark Fog Eruption - Cold Silver Moon and Phantasmagorias / CD
[ZDR 097] Charlotte The Harlot - Unchained / CD
[ZDR 093 / BR 015] Infernal Necromancy - 富国強兵 / LP
[ZDR 096] Wyrms - Morcar Satoric / CD
[ZDR 095] 正殿 - 古き悪の破片/ CD
[ZDR 094] FC - Industrial Society and Its Future (Paragraphs 42-110) / CD
[ZDR 093 / BR 015] Infernal Necromancy - 富国強兵 / CD
[ZDR 092] Swazond / Wolftread - Split / CD
[ZDR 091 / BR 014] FROZN - Requiem On My Grave / CD
[ZDR 090] DAEMONIAN - The Frost Specter’s Wrath / CD
[ZDR 089] Besatt - Supreme and True at Night / CD
[ZDR 088] ZXUI MOSKVHA - Reign of Eternal Agony / CD
[ZDR 088-S] ZXUI MOSKVHA - Reign of Eternal Agony / SlipcaseCD
[ZDR 087] Charlotte The Harlot - Soaks in Curse / CD
[ZDR 086] Sulpur - Embracing Hatred and Beckoning Darkness / CD
[ZDR 085] ACOD - Fourth Reign Over Opacities and Beyond / CD
[ZDR 084] Wyrms - Altuus Kronhorr - La Monarchie Purificatrice / CD
[ZDR 083] Ebola - Red Heaven / CD
[ZDR 082] FC - Industrial Society and Its Future (Paragraph 1-41) / CD
[ZDR 082-S] FC - Industrial Society and Its Future (Paragraph 1-41) / CD + CD-R
[ZDR 080] Hanormale - The Cathartic Anointing of Heterodoxy in Resilience (a Black Metal Rhapsody) / CD
[ZDR 081] Hanormale - 天照大御神 / CD
[ZDR 079] SWAZOND - Cursed Inheritance / CD
[ZDR 078] Fra Hedensk Tid / Infernal Necromancy / Mass Kontrol Genocide / Yvonxhe - Reliquiae Quaternion / CD
[ZDR 077] ZXUI MOSKVHA - Bloody Remembrance of the Noble Sun / CD
[ZDR 077-S] ZXUI MOSKVHA - Bloody Remembrance of the Noble Sun / SlipcaseCD
[ZDR 076 / BR 012] Karne - Symposium of Torments / SlipcaseCD
[ZDR 075-S] ZXUI MOSKVHA - Descent into Torment / SlipcaseCD
[ZDR 075] ZXUI MOSKVHA - Descent into Torment / CD
[ZDR 074-S] Cataplexy - Archives / SlipcaseCD
[ZDR 074] Cataplexy - Archives / CD
Infernal Necromancy - Propaganda / LP
[ZDR 073 / BR 011] Infernal Necromancy - Propaganda / CD
[ZDR 005] Gorugoth - Beginning (Re-issue) / CD
[ZDR 072] Ebola / No Point in Living - Regions of Depression / CD
[ZDR 071] 捜血鬼 - Quest for Blood / CD
[ZDR 000] Subconscious Evil - Subconscious Evil / CD
[ZDR 001] Fenrisulf / Juno Bloodlust / Svar Fra Hedensk / Apparition / 厄鬼 - Oriental Abyss / CD
[ZDR 003] Fatal Desolation - Cold, Starless, Moonless / CD
[ZDR 004] Gorugoth - Gorugoth / CD
[ZDR 008] Infernal Necromancy - 1997-2000 / CD (Re-issue 2024)
[ZDR 009] Infernal Necromancy - 2001-2002 / CD (Re-issue 2024)
[ZDR 010] Infernal Necromancy - 2002-2006 / CD (Re-issue 2024)
[ZDR 011] Infernal Necromancy - Propaganda / DVD
[ZDR 012] Gnome - Silent Scream / CD
[ZDR 014] Cataplexy - devangelight / CD
[ZDR 015] The Absolute of Malignity / CD