Unhuman Disease - Perpetuus Agonia / CD
Taake / Sigh / The Meads of Asphodel / Thus Defiled - Swine of Hades / CD
Shadows Ground - In Eternal Coldness of the Night / SlipcaseCD
Acedi - Lonely Soul / CD-R
[BCE 001] Birth Asphyxia - Human Obelisk / CD
[BCE 002] Hostile Eyes - Disobedience / CD
【1/10頃発送予定】 ウォー・ベスチャル・ブラックメタル・ガイドブック / Zine
Litanie - In Nomine Humana, Tenebris / DigiCD
Munruthel - CREEDamage / DigiCD
Arkha Sva - Donusdogama: En Accrochant Le Mendiant Qui Tomba Du Trone De Dieu / CD
Arkha Sva - Odo Kikale Qaa (U-I-V) / CD
Arkha Sva - Odo Kikale Qaa (VI-VI-LV) / CD
Arkha Sva - Mikama Isaro Mada / CD
Arkha Sva - Gloria Satanae / CD
Avsolutized... - Mot Din Svarta Angest / DigiCD